Albania was recently described as the "Maldives of Europe"


Albania was recently described as the "Maldives of Europe" by the prestigious British newspaper "The Sun." It is stated in the article dedicated to the Albanian coast that there is no less than the favorite Maldives. The number of tourists has increased dramatically in recent years, making it one of the most popular vacation destinations. Every year, thousands of tourists consider returning to Albania and buying a home on the Albanian coast. A BBC team has also recently arrived to discover Albania's fantastic, undiscovered beauties. The BBC show is expected to air on January 21 and 22. Housing prices per square meter are expected to rise in the coming years. This rise is due to increased interest in and demand for purchasing a home in Albania. If you hurry and book a trip to Albania, you will discover rare natural wonders and possibly have so much fun that you will want to return. Tourists have expressed a desire to return and invest in Albania over the last few years. Visitors to the country appreciate the relief, the Riviera, and the favorable climatic conditions. Major investors visit Albania on a daily basis, either via direct flights or via sea ports. Albania, the Mediterranean's pearl, is close to all European countries and easily accessible. Visit Albania for a unique vacation experience!

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