Celebrations in Albania


 All of the religions in Albania celebrate the New Year. The best days are holidays; they are not just regular days. The clinking of glasses while toasting all family members and relatives is a distinctive tradition during the holidays. There is food and beverage on the table. The music and the fireworks are among the highlights, just after the cuisine. Cleaning the house and the entire outdoor area is one of the customs that set Albanians apart from the rest of the nation. Albanian mothers commemorate the New Year's holiday a few days before by cleaning the house, painting the walls, washing the carpets, and cooking traditional meals. Turkey has always been served roasted or fried as the traditional dish. All different kinds, but the most popular is turkey with "përshesh", which is a crumbly cake baked or boiled in turkey broth. Pork, lamb, and beef are all present at the meal. Different cabbages or meat pies are favored in different places, like Gjirokastër city. The fish dish continues to reign supreme on the dinner table in coastal regions and lakeside communities like Pogradeci. Albanian tables often feature additional fantasies, such as various salads and antipasti. The majority of cooked food is not eaten. The coin in the pie is another custom. Following is curiosity. Everyone in the family expects to flourish if they can find the money in their share of the pie. What will we get in return for the coin? The family dinner table is made more enjoyable by these amusing and engaging instances. Baklava is without a doubt the delight of the Albanian table at times of celebration and familiar joy since it is sweet and flavorful, comes with sherbet, and contains nuts. This delicacy is still a favorite among Albanians today and is yet another tradition that moms and grandmothers pass down from generation to generation.

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