Happy Independent Albania


 The declaration of Albania's independence in Vlora on November 28, 1912, which ended decades of Ottoman rule, caused the greatest turn in Albania's fortunes. By handing the Ottoman Empire its fatal military-political blow, the Albanian nation put an end to its millennia-old hopes and aspirations. Albania was declared to be independent, free from the Ottoman yoke as well as any other chains that had been fashioned in the traps of its neighbors. With this, the National Renaissance reached its apex because independence marked the end of years of brave struggles to regain lost freedom, protect national rights, and open the door for the country's development and advancement. The notion of nationality that our renaissance men had preached was vindicated in Albania with the historic Assembly of Vlora decision, which was granted by the Balkan and European democracy as early as the 19th century. Thus, a nation founded on its own territory, inhabited continuously for centuries, with its own language, culture, history, and individuality-a right gained in the trenches of a protracted and brutal war-was granted an inherent right. the right that was his as a result of his significant involvement in the liberation of the Balkans and Europe. The noble principle of nationhood and national unity was validated with dignity by independence, despite its limitations, in the context of later developments. There were other acts in addition to the Declaration of Independence. It took tens of years to carefully, patiently, courageously, and with a sense of duty prepare it step by step. This was also proof of the Albanian people's unwavering commitment to creating a distinct nation that would include all of the communities they called home. Happy Independence Albania!

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