

Vlora is a port city in southern Albania on the shores of the Ionian Sea. It is the second largest city in the region of Southwest Albania with a surrounding population of approximately 110,000.

Vlora was an important center of Albanianization in the 19th century, when Albania's independence was declared here in 1912. The city has a rich history and cultural heritage, including archaeological sites and museums that show its minor role in Albanian history.

Among the main tourist attractions in Vlora is the beach, such as Vlora Beach, which stretches along the coast of the city. Other interesting places are Vlora Castle, the Museum of Independence, the archaeological site of Oricum and Muradie Square, which is the center of the city.

Vlora also has a rich culinary scene where you can taste traditional Albanian food and drinks such as roast meat, fish, vegetable dishes and local wine.

All in all, Vlora is an interesting city with rich history, tourist attractions and culture that is worth visiting.

Accommodation in Vlora.

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